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Do you love to gamble with your friends or family?

Because of my essay, I do some research and find out there are many negatives about gambling.

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After being busy working, I coulnt help wondering how to manage the time.

I think I missed a lot of things during these days.

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Here is a song I'd like to share with you.

The song is called Apologize performed by OneRepublic(共和世代)

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Today is a lovely day, and I went to see a movie with my dear friend.

It is really a funny and interesting movie called Bad Neighbors.

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Today, I went straight to Gong-Guan with my friends to take sticker pictures. In addition, we went to Xi-Men-Ding to buy a pair of uniform pants and to see the movie. Moreover, we also went to see a dance performance. All in all, it was a fantastic day!

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I love movies. Some people like to see thrillers, science fiction, or action movies, but I prefer romance, fantasy, and comedy films. A number of people think going to a movie theater is a waste of time and money. However, I strongly disagree. I think going to a movie theater is a pleasure because the quality and sound effects are better than watching a movie at home. It is also great to laugh or scream with the crowd in the theater. For me, seeing a movie is a great way to spend time with my friends or family.

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From the beginning of this semester to now, I feel extremely fatigued and get sick and tired of learnig English. Where is my passion for English? The truth is that I try to shrik from my heavy studies when I think I am unable to finish. I know I have to study hard and live up to the high expecations given by my mom, but so much pressure imposed upon me is too much for me to endure. Some people suggest that I should have planned a shedule and make good use of the time; however, planning a project is so easy yet so hard to to practice. There are many things coming up in my life, especially the exams. I think I should bravely pick up the challenges to face all sorts of difficulties.  

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After being busy from my part-time job, I could not help but wonder what is the true meaning of life? Some pople pursue their success in the workplace. Ohters do their best to make as much money as possible, and still others wish to climb to the summit of their political arenas. have won pretty much everythng in the world but lack the basic dose of happiness. There are so many people who After these busy days recently, I truly realize that the simple and easy happiness is actually the best cure for any disease. Happiness is so simple yet so hard to be appreciated.

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Yesterday, when my brother went to the school assembly, a branch of a coconut tree fell from the height of four stories onto his head. He said that it landed on him the moment he stepped out onto the field. There was no warning sign at all, so he had no time to avoid it. Immediately, he was sent to the health center. Luckily, there is only a big bump on his head and no serious damage was done. This kind of accident may happen anytime on campus. I just hope that everyone can be careful and no lives will be hurt.

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